Fuck My Life

FML: Your everyday life stories
「アメリカっぽい」俗なユーモアが存分に味わえる小ネタ投稿サイト。下ネタも満載。ウケますw ちょっといくつか紹介してみよう。


Today, I took my daughter to the lake. She told me she had to go to the bathroom and I whispered to her "just pee in the lake, it's fine, but go in a little deeper." She went in the lake and turned to me to yell "MOM, IS THIS DEEP ENOUGH FOR ME TO PEE?" FML



Today, I finished my project two weeks early. Now I am being laid off because there is no work to do. FML



Today, my friend put a bunch of cheetos all over me at the beach while I was taking a nap. Next thing I know I'm being woken up by a bunch of seagulls attacking me. One pooped in my hair. FML

